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Good Morning Wednesday Funny

Funny Wednesday Quotes and Memes to Brighten Your Week

Check Out These Hilarious Quotes and Memes for a Happy Hump Day

Wednesday, the middle of the week, can be a bit of a drag, but not with these funny quotes and memes! We've gathered the best ones to help you get over the midweek slump and kick off the rest of the week with a smile.

Quotes to Make You Laugh

  • "On Wednesdays, we wear pink." - Mean Girls
  • "Wednesday is hump day, the perfect day to hump your way over to your favorite coffee shop." - Unknown
  • "I'm not lazy, I'm on energy saving mode." - Unknown
  • "Coffee and memes, the perfect cure for a Wednesday." - Unknown
  • "Wednesday: The day that reminds me I'm halfway through the week and halfway to the weekend." - Unknown

Memes to Brighten Your Day

  • A picture of a cat with the caption "Me on Wednesday: I'm not a morning person."
  • A photo of a sloth with the words "Wednesday motivation" written underneath.
  • A meme with the text "Wednesday: The day when my coffee mug becomes my best friend."
  • An image of a grumpy-looking dog with the caption "Me when I realize it's only Wednesday."
  • A comic strip that shows someone struggling to get out of bed on Wednesday morning.

So, if you're feeling a little down on Wednesday, just remember, it's only the middle of the week! And with these funny quotes and memes, you'll be able to make it through the rest of the day with a smile on your face.
